Hearts and Hands- Faith In Action

place Lockport, New York, USA


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Built upon an interfaith coalition, trained volunteers of Hearts and Hands: Faith in Action connect frail or vulnerable individuals in underserved communities with needed services to uphold their dignity, improve their quality of life, enhance their ability to live in their home of choice, and to assist their primary caregivers.

What We Do

The focus of our supportive services for the elderly and disabled is to provide medical and social transportation free of charge. Access to affordable and reliable transportation is a key social determinant that can have a significant impact on health outcomes. Whether for access to goods, services or socialization, transportation is crucial to the quality of life, health, and wellness of seniors. Our program often fills a gap in transportation provided by insurance providers in that we go beyond providing medical transportation and help seniors get to places that are key to their nutritional, social, and fitness well-being. Our program matches care receivers with volunteers that are carefully screened and trained which enables us to provide transportation free to the elderly and disabled communities. Our loved ones don't often get the neighborly services by using an Uber or Taxi. Our neighbor serving neighbor volunteer approach addresses social isolation by fostering a friendly volunteer with a care receiver.

In-Home Services empower adults to age in place as they receive help with day-to-day help with activities such as help with the laundry, meal preparation, yard word, grocery and personal shopping, and minor household repairs. These crucial services provided by volunteers at no cost help our senior and disabled communities preserve their dignity and maintain a good quality of life.

Caregiver Support Services is an emerging need within the WNY community. Hearts and Hands has responded by providing temporary relief for transportation, friendly visits with our volunteers in the home or taking their loved one out for coffee and conversation while the caregiver gets some R&R. We also offer friendly visits with trained canine caregivers.


Aaron C
Aaron C.
Executive Director
Tabitha F.
Program Director
Erika S.
Community Impact Coordinator
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