Artistic Apothecary

place Boulder, Colorado, USA
language http://artisticapothecary.wordpr…


Saved on 58 projects and calls

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Our grassroots collective care prioritizes mental health, spiritual wellness, and Ancestral wisdom to affirm the societal greatness of genderqueer People Of Culture. We practice zero-waste principles, returning to ancient traditions of land stewardship. Since 2011, with our BY US, FOR US model, we center intersectionality, blackness, differently abled, houseless, Nature and those incarcerated.

What We Do

As an Afro intersex + community led initiative we bolster basic dignities, access to leadership roles and truth telling. A decade strong Liberatory Network circulating resources to cultural hubs, collective housing, community gardens and families. We sustain genuine relationships built upon trust, collaboration & witnessing the fullness of each member. We value rest and creative expression as essential parts of living. Our community spaces exist for the purpose of replenishing and rejuvenating our bodies.


Kuwa-Jasiri I
Kuwa-Jasiri I.
Founding Steward
The pixel