Austin Child Guidance Center

place Austin, Texas, USA
language http://www.austinchildguidance.o…


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Austin Child Guidance Center provides accessible, high quality mental health services to children and their families empowering them to thrive in childhood and beyond.

What We Do

Austin Child Guidance Center uses a trauma-informed approach with a multidisciplinary team to help kids and their families thrive in childhood and beyond. Your support makes it possible for ACGC to create a healing space for every family's mental health. By providing high-quality and accessible care, ACGC achieves impressive results. In 2019:

87% of kids made progress on their mental health goals

99% of families had their mental health needs met

Since 1951, Austin Child Guidance Center has been a community safety net for over 145,000 children and families. ACGC provides comprehensive mental health services in a caring, safe, worry-free environment, so families can focus on healing.


Kelly R
Kelly R.
Director of Development
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