Center of Public Safety for Women (CPSW) #RateMyCollege

place Honolulu, Hawaii, USA


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Center of Public Safety for Women (CPSW)'s mission and newest Initiative focuses on the protests and demonstrations that have rocked College Campuses across the U.S. and raised concerns over both the safety and rights of students. #RateMyCollege

What We Do

Please join us in finding common ground and opening up dialogue on how colleges and the government are handling these events and incidents...

-Which colleges are handling these situations well, or not?

-How do you feel things could have been handled differently?

-What College Administration staff should ultimately be held responsible? and Why?

-What do you think the government (OCR, Law Enforcement, Congress, etc.) should or shouldn't do about the situation?

*These are just a few things that we look to take a deep dive into, so that everyone can work together to find and provide peaceful solutions to make the world a better place!



Karen O
Karen O.
The pixel