Tri-Valley CAREs

place Livermore, California, USA


Saved on 2 projects and calls

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Mission: Tri-Valley CAREs promotes peace, justice, and a healthy environment by pursuing five goals that integrate U.S. nuclear weapons policy with local, national and global security: 1. Convert Livermore Lab from nuclear weapons to civilian science research; 2. End all further nuclear weapons development and testing in the U.S.; 3. Abolish nuclear weapons worldwide, and achieve an equitable non-proliferation regime; 4. Promote forthright communication and democratic decision-making in public policy on nuclear weapons and related environmental issues, locally, nationally, and globally; and, 5. Clean up the radioactive and toxic pollution emanating from Livermore Lab.


Marylia K
Marylia K.
Executive Director
Raiza B
Raiza B.
Bilingual Community Organizer
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